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Ultimate Guide on How to Win Your Ex Back

A lot of couples break up but then make up again. Someone is aware of their mistakes and corrects them, while the other one doesn’t want to return to the past and visits a site to meet a girl or guy. In any case, after the breakup, both partners have an unpleasant aftertaste – a bad dream, a wave of longing, a lack of interest in everyday affairs. Sooner or later a man or woman understands that they made a mistake and thinks about how to return the relationship, a loved one, and the former harmony in life.

how to comeback to your ex

Do exes come back?

In most cases, at first, people don’t break up completely. They want to stay friends, give each other a ghostly chance that they will come together again, write messages to each other and make hints that everything is okay but keep some distance. But the most unpleasant thing is that a pure mercantile calculation lies in this – they take a walk, visit a single ladies dating site, have sex with others, and compare the maximum number of partners. So, do exes come back? Yes, they do. But you need to understand the real reason for this.

Does the return depend on you?

If a man and woman try to maintain a thin thread of communication before a breakup, convince that they need each other, then there is a high probability of their reunion. When there are emotions, even negative ones, this doesn’t mean indifference and insincere feelings.

Sometimes there is no longer any desire and strength to prove something, and most importantly, partners don’t see the point in this. After the breakup, both feel relief. People have already tried all possible ways to establish relations but this has not brought results. In this case, it is unlikely to return to the former passion.

It is necessary to carefully analyze whether it is worth renewing and restoring relations after breaking up with a soulmate. Consider all the events that preceded it. Think it over without haste. If you want to plunge into a relationship and win back your ex, you will have to change your behavior and tactics, otherwise, even temporary well-being can once again contribute to the breakup.

Cases when it does not depend on you

The question of the breakup is taken very seriously and some people are firmly resolute in this regard – if your partners decided to leave you, they do it. If you are looking for the 2nd chance how to win back your ex, it is simply impossible in some cases. There is no sense in apologizing and asking them to return. Most likely, your ex-partners understand and deeply realize that it is the time to part with the past and start a new life with another person who will be much more suitable. things to do to win your ex backThe factor may also be taken into account that your ex already has a new soulmate with whom she or he is comfortable and all your apologies and requests will be in vain. You can try to prove that you will change and become better for your ex, but she/he will subconsciously understand that you won’t cause any love feelings again since you are the same.

Main steps to win your ex back

Initially, you need to understand whether it’s a good idea or not. To do this, you need to remember why the breakup occurred. It happens that people are simply incompatible and a breakup is the only logical option that will not lead to further disappointment and can potentially make you both happier. But if you still love them, then how to make your ex come back? The following steps are for you:

Live life to the fullest

Of course, you can suffer and even cry to release stress. Accumulating these experiences is bad for your health. So, how to win back your ex girlfriend? Don’t lock yourself in four walls. Life has not ended and, moreover, no one will blame you for ending your relationship. People with low self-esteem often lose confidence even more after a breakup. Uncertain people are afraid of condemning because they are very dependent on social opinion and judgement. In such a situation, you have to do the following: when you understand that everything is okay and in your hands, it’s time to come back to life and increase your self-esteem!

Don’t communicate for at least three months

For your ex to have feelings for you again, you need to disappear. Disappear for at least three months or so and don’t contact him or her, don’t send text messages to win your ex back. Become a new mystery that will attract your ex’s curiosity. During the disappearance, take care of yourself, study, earn more money, develop spiritually, and change your clothing style. And your ex-partner will definitely appreciate it. Let them understand that you feel good. Don’t show that you hope for reconciliation. It is better to show how much you have changed.

Don’t try to remain friends

How to win your ex back? If you remain a good friend for exes, then you will also owe everything to them but, at the same time, you will not get anything. Do you think that you need such friendship in the hope that you will start dating your ex again? You may remain in the friend zone and your ex will use you and still have relationships with other people. Staying friends, your exes will tell you the details of relationships with other partners and you will listen to all this with pain in your heart.


How to come back to your ex? It looks very trivial and primitive but in fact, there are two reasons for developing: with the help of self-development, it will be much easier for you to overcome the breakup and become a wholesome person. Self-development will improve you and it will help you get better. When you really start working on yourself, you will think less about the pain that the ex caused you. It will be much easier for you to deal with stress and you will more or less be able to get a grip.

Start getting to know your ex again

During your self-development, take the time to get to know your exes to better match the image of their desired partners. Follow them on social networks. Of course, it is very effective in order to find out all the preferences of your exes, the main thing is that they don’t notice it. Through social networks, find out what they like, where they like to go, what they like to wear and what they like to watch now. Also, try to understand what kind of relationship they want to have and do your best to make it so in the future.

Things that can ruin your plans

Before you consider ways to return your ex, you need to clarify the list of actions that are strictly contraindicated. Is it possible to return exes back? Yes, it is but only if you don’t make the following mistakes:


Many people, finding the right solution of how to return feelings of exes, take up the matter too hard and achieve nothing. Cute words of love, presents, deeds – all this, of course, is nice but in 90% of cases, it doesn’t work. Here you shouldn’t rush. Give your exes time to think. Of course, your loved ones may reject all sorts of persistent courtship in the end. Don’t rush things! Perhaps your partners themselves will realize that they made a mistake. If you constantly put pressure on them, this will only confirm the correctness of their decision to break up.

No change in time perspective

It is necessary to improve oneself (and not only spiritually but also physically) – go to the gym, get a new hairstyle, buy new clothes, have a different view of the world and relationships, a different manner of behavior. Everyone will always find something to work on to improve themselves. The confident and successful passage of this stage should be marked by the birth of a completely different person who corrected all his or her shortcomings and gained new virtues. But at a future meeting, you shouldn’t focus on this. Your exes should see these changes themselves.

Tips on how to win your ex back

So, the reason for the breakup was revealed, all the pros and cons are carefully analyzed, and the chances are calculated. Then comes a moment to understand how to act to restore relations after a breakup and become happy again. Use these win your ex back tips:

how to make your ex comebackUnderstand the reason for a breakup

To return your exes back, you need to change something that they didn’t like so much that they decided to leave. And for this, you just need to understand what reasons played a key role in their decision to end everything. The longer your relationship lasted and the more serious it was, the greater the likelihood that the reason for the breakup was not just one random fact but a whole group of systematically repeated events. Try to track this “chain”.


If you really want to return an ex, you will have to learn to say “Forgive me” – this is the best way to win your ex back. If you don’t know how to rebuild a relationship that was broken since you made a mistake, admit this fact and just ask for forgiveness. You have to make sure that he/she sees how much you regret. And even if it’s not you but your partner who was responsible for the breakup, apologize for not stopping them in that situation.

Ask your ex to try everything again

You calmed down, adjusted your life, realized the reasons for your breakup and corrected the “flaws” – it’s time to let the ex know that you are not averse to renewing your relationship. Meet in a neutral place where nothing reminds you of your love story, for example, in a new coffee shop. Don’t say that you need to talk. Better say: “We have not seen each other for a long time, a lot has happened during this time, let’s meet and discuss the news, and besides, I have long wanted to give you the scarf that you forgot in my car.”

Impress your ex again

Restoring relationships after breaking up is not an easy job but with the right approach, those who dream of returning and making them better will be rewarded. Yes, it is not so easy to make an unforgettable impression on the ex when meeting. But you can start giving your partner creative gifts, arrange surprises and demonstrate other signs of attention. If all these things don’t work, come up with something unusual – something you didn’t do before, in particular.

Use the power of memories

One of the best things to do to win your ex back is to remind him or her of how good it was when you were on the same page. Photos of you two, jokes that only you understand, places of first dates – all this will remind the partner of past times, will help understand that the reunion is a good idea, especially if you managed to make a good impression before.

After you become a couple again, it is important to work on a relationship with double power. It is necessary to spend as much time as possible together, communicate openly and honestly, and be a team. What is definitely not worth doing is blaming the partner for mistakes, especially for the misconduct of the past. If feelings returned, it means that they were “restarted” in a certain way. You are a completely new couple, with a fresh look at various situations and tolerance for the partner’s shortcomings.

Comments (1)
If you truly love each other, then you will be able to win your ex back and start everything again. Moreover, a temporary break-up will even strengthen your love.
28.02.2020 12:36
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